Dry skin has been found to be the most common problem nowadays. Many people found their skin dry and rough. There are many internal and external reasons for this type of skin. Furthermore, Mostly it is related to external environmental conditions. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and solutions for this problem called Xerosis. Furthermore, We will also discuss how to naturally soften skin at home by using simple remedies.
Dry and rough skin
Our skin is made up of multiple layers. Furthermore, These are called epithelial layers. The outer layer is called ectodermal and it protects the skin from external microbial attacks and much more hazards. The skin is dry.
The outer skin cells are dead and give your skin a rough and dry look.
The natural softness and smoothness of your skin are lost. it is also known as Xerosis.
What are the causes of Xerosis?
There are many reasons for a person to have dry and rough skin. Moreover, The upper layer of the skin becomes itchy and scaly. this condition is also known as xeroderma. Furthermore, patches of dead skin cells appear all over the skin. Moreover, there could be many causes for it is here including:
- Using strong chemicals directly on the skin
- Applying a bleaching chemical on the skin frequently
- Furthermore, Rubbing
- Wearing itching cloths
- Harsh environments extreme cold or extremely hot
- Sun damage
- Long-time hot showers
- Lastly, Dry environments
Treatment for xerosis
Moreover, There are the following preventive measure which can be taken in order to get rid of this problem
- Wear light and soft cloths
- Don’t apply chemical products on your skin
- Use natural ingredients at home
- Apply aloe vera gel over your skin
- Be careful with your diet
- Take short time lukewarm water bath
- Prevent your skin from direct contact with the sun
- Be careful in harsh environments
- Use lotions and ointments
- Lastly, Stay neat and clean
Lastly, Follow these steps to have a healthy and beautiful sin at home. Moreover, By following these steps your skin will restore its natural softness, and itching is eliminated.